Monday, November 30, 2009

American Free Enterprise - Dream Big

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently launched a campaign for American Free Enterprise (, and it is a significant undertaking.  The initiative is based on the very fabric of American society - the concept that ideas breed entrepreneurs and, in turn, jobs.  These jobs will strengthen the United States to compete in the global economy, and 20 million new jobs will need to be created in the coming decade to keep America strong.

It's certainly worthwhile to take the time to visit the website and at the very least view the video.  Even better, read the site in depth, pledge your support, share your story and connect with the movement through a number of social media channels. 

The American Free Enterprise initiative calls us to "dream big."  It focuses on what matters in the business community - bright ideas, big dreams,  brave entrepreneurs, factories, farmers, leaders and followers.  The initiative is compelling, and it hits at the very core of what makes America strong, makes us all proud to live in and lead our communities and reminds us why the business community matters.

It's tough to summarize why it pulls at your heartstrings, but you know that it's the reason you get up every morning and work hard.  The campaign touches on "the race" - the idea that Americans will have to outwork, outthink and outdream to thrive in the future.  It's a concept you can believe in and share with others.  Take a little time to learn more and share the story - invite your friends and colleagues to learn more with a quick post on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.  View these two additional videos (1.5 minutes total), as well:

Dream big.